1 air pollution prevention and correction. Reduce the air pollution from the source. The quality changes of fuel. The engine has less pollution, improve the production process, and reduce the pollution from vehicle
2.Be strict with measures to reduce the impact on air pollution from industry. By examining the release of pollutants. From the industrial sector to a level standard. And the installation of air pollution detection equipment factory
3.Supporting the use of Agricultural Technology The waste materials from the agricultural sector to use energy to reduce the burning of agricultural residue in relief
4.Improve the system of municipal solid waste with integrated management theory to be digital programming, burning trash in the open
5. Prevent wildfires. Monitoring laboratory fire. And rehabilitation after wildfire
6.Promote the use of renewable energy from nature, such as solar energy to reduce ภาวะมลพิษทางอากาศ from fuel combustion type coal
7.Reduce the use of appliances with compounds of substances greenhouse, such as substance คลอโรฟ Lou Oh ro carbon (CFC) etc.
8. Is to support the use of the transport system with less pollution. And promote the use of mass transit
9.Public relations campaign and that people understand the dangers of air pollution The integration on preventing and solving prevent air pollution
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