The role of English used in everyday life. English is an important language, one of the world's languages. English has come to play a role in the lives of people around the world, and the Thai people. Students who graduated came out today. If you have knowledge of the English language, both spoken and written a chance to find a job, it is not limited only in Thai only. Currently, ASEAN countries have to Thai, which means the boys in 10 ASEAN countries will have to use English more. In addition to the national language, everybody in ASEAN will have to come to know travellers accustomed to mutual learning. Looking for work and looking for a good opportunity to life. Therefore, English is therefore a tool for communications relationship sarotrang English is the second language of the people of ASEAN countries, coupled with the language is the national language of each people. English as the language of the world is an international language is a language of the world is that everyone on Earth is used primarily to communicate with each other. No matter what language is used, each one on a regular basis; To contact the others that are different languages, different cultures. Everyone needs to use English as the primary address. Every nation, every language, it contains the English as a second language from the second national language, is the core of courses for all levels. But when the language is set to an ASEAN ' working language ', we need to understand these issues. Everyone must learn and use English, from the Prime Minister to the farmer farmer. The villagers in general students. Students, children and youth.
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