After his Majesty the King and his people at home, keep good credit ruamjai Kut naughty big. Kalasin province, Khao Wong November 25, 1992, when he saw the condition of the people, difficulties in making agriculture in the area relies on rain water (approximately 1 rice hopper 1/RAI) Cultivation was once a year during the rainy season only. There is risk of damage from the pruanprae of climate and rain delay that such conditions might be a problem of the majority of the country's farmers. Although it has been digging a pond, there are some uncertain size. Water use is still not sufficient, including plant systems, there are no criteria and mainly planting a single type. It is for this reason that his Majesty the King, so he studies collect data analyzed and Royal initiative is thanop to past water scarcity crisis duration without troubling and difficult students. This initiative he called "new theory" as a way to manage land and water for agriculture in a small land, the maximum benefit. The trial, he is the first of its kind at Wat mongkholchaipattana. Tambon Huai bong, Amphoe mueang, saraburi province.
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