We have classified the group loan words out as 8 1.Pali 2.Sanskrit 3.Orthography 4.Pali groups & 5.Pali & 6.Sanskrit & Sanskrit Orthography, 7.Pali, Sanskrit Orthography 8.Other Orthography.
We have identified a group of loanwords into eight groups: 1.Pali 2.Sanskrit 3.Orthography 4.Pali & Sanskrit 5.Pali & Orthography 6.Sanskrit & Orthography 7.Pali, Sanskrit, Orthography 8.Other.
We classified the words borrowed into 8 groups as follows 1.Pali 2.Sanskrit 3.Orthography 4.Pali & Sanskrit 5.Pali & Orthography 6.Sanskrit. ,, & Orthography 7.Pali Sanskrit Orthography 8.Other.