Umbrella Fund is a type of Fund that invests in other funds many different sub funds, but.Is under the same management company for the distribution of investment funds it can invest in assets in various markets.Different both domestically and abroad. For example, the US ABC ABC Fund established by invest in.Alternative investment fund established and managed by the asset management fund, which has the GHI ABC include objectives, investment in debt securities, and.XYZ Fund objective to invest in equities, so mutual funds and mutual fund XYZ GHI, therefore, classified as.Umbrella Fund of Fund ABC etc. For investors who invest in Umbrella Fund is flexible in strategic.Investment strategy manual That is, investors can determine the allocation of investment (Asset Allocation) of that.Want to invest in a fund or choose not to fund subsidiaries to invest in any fund under the Umbrella Fund investment weight also.Unable to change the sub-funds (Switching) is under the management of the management company at the same address in the Umbrella Fund nondai.In most cases, switching funds within asset management. It does not charge any fees or expenses, so it is good for people.Invest in capital allocation, the investment is appropriate for the situation changes, such as switching from equity fund.To invest in the bond fund. In the equity markets slump, etc.
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