Help slow down the aging process, constant, youthful skin complexion moisture. Help slow down aging occurs. Helps repair and strengthen the immune system, with your skin. Prevent gray hair nourishing the hair roots, strong, thick lustrous hair, helping to reduce the absorption and synthesis of cholesterol. Prevent hardening of blood vessels Preventing heart disease brain and central nervous system tonics lowers blood pressure. Vasodilation help the body's sleep kaikrapri kraprao helps prevent colds, helps prevent constipation, help from the anti-inflammatory arthritis degenerative inhibits decay. People eat vegetarian food, wearing down in Sesame Soy protein, more complete by eating some allergic reactions such as hives. Eyelids swollen, red lips, mouth breathing difficulties Decreased blood pressure, until the shock-unconsciousness by these symptoms. Step occurs immediately after lunch for 90 min chanueng
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