1.1 pitch is rectangular in size 40 mm wide and consists of lines by photo chart of g.1.2 all lines must be obvious and should be painted in white or yellow.1.3 all lines as a component of the area.1.4 1.55 m high mast mesh must be from the floor and set it straight when stretched taut, mesh, as defined in the rules by which the text must not contain 1.10 any portion of the submission into the mast (approved by the IBF will need this regulation until August 1 every competition must be based on 2547 (2004) according to this Regulation).Mesh antenna must be located 1.5 on the County side of the category, as shown in the image map. G., without regard to a single or double play.1.6 with yarn, knitting nets must be dark, and the size is not less than 15 mm wide sweating and not exceed 20 mm.1.7 mesh 760 mm and width must be of length at least 6.1 meters.1.8 the top edge of the mesh must have the two-fold white towel bar width 75 mm rope or wire the stamped along the white fabric Strip.A rope or wire size 1.9 enough slack to work with full mast stiffness.1.10 best top mesh must be higher from 1.524 meters centered pitch and 1.55 m over a field of type double.1.11 there must be no space between the ends of nets on poles. If you need to bind all the mesh with the pole end% 2. transport the chickens.Chicken feather ball could result from the 2.1 natural materials or synthetic materials, whether it is made from any type of material characteristics, the general way to run the ball, which is made of natural fur coat with a cork base leather bang.2.2 freight transport must be 16 chicken balls-an embroidery on the base.2.3 measuring from base to ends of fur at the end by the length of each child is equal to between 62 mm to 70 mm.2.4 at the end of circular shape with the feather tool, diameter 58 mm to 68 mm between.2.5 transportation must be tightly tied with yarn, or other suitable material.2.6 on the basis of the ball must have a diameter from 25 mm to 28 mm and the bottom rounded circle.2.7 transport the ball cock is from 4.74 to 5.50 grams.2.8 feather chicken balls do not use natural fur.Synthetic material is used instead of natural fur the child as defined in the base rules 2.6 text.2.8.3 size and weight of the ball must be in accordance with the rules defined in 2.3, 2.4 and 2.7 message, however, the difference of specific gravity and the properties of synthetic materials by comparison with natural fur. Allow up to 10% of the difference.Because it does not define 2.9 difference in typical style. The speed and trajectory of the ball, there may be a rush to change the feature above. Without approval from the national organizations involved in the highest air pressure conditions or weather. As a result, fur balls, chicken, according to the defined standards.
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