Hello, today we value "Guide (help imagine the name please ยยยย.)" The country that we want to study, it is Germany today, we will take each, everyone is going to know to Germany. Go!--skip—F: and now we are at places where everyone comes together, German German should visit, it is (links into place).Na: it can be seen that the place where we come to know that there is a splendid architectural beauty because of the German (links into local buildings).A: to end with, we have sites to the German's later we will come to know the German culture with a touch (binding customs and cultures).T: it can be seen that the culture of the Germans is the sequel of the story of life with the people and their life (binding.Style, say local jobs with access to yong About that progress to the most people, so professional bala bala) No: and when we got to know each other, and then we went to Germans would have known of the country's football is a popular sport.Bala (national access links) to stage a World Championship ball.F: and the focus of the visit, German, not to mention food is not because of the subject matter of German food, variety of food. We'll talk the food I pluck it is (binding food.)
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