Wind energyWind energy is a natural energy that is caused by temperature difference. The pressure of the atmosphere and the Earth's rotation from. These are the factors that cause the wind speed and wind are generally accepted that wind power is the one existing in the image itself. Which sometimes caused by wind force, may cause Habitat homes broken down what to chop down trees, erosion of various objects falling or floating along the wind-blown about in the current human and therefore energy from wind more useful because wind power contained in General. No need to buy is the clean energy without causing harm to the environment and can be easily utilized is unknown. Wind energy is solar energy, just like with no need to buy. Currently, the use of wind power, more There are also problems in the areas of research, development, bringing wind energy works, because the quantity of irregular wind throughout the year, but it still has some areas area can bring wind energy benefits, such as the coastal area, which is a device that helps to change from wind energy out into.Dr. lang in others, such as using wind turbines (windturbine) to change into electrical power, turbines, mill (or windmill) to change, as mechanical energy is when plugged into the pump impellers to drain or a color, it can be mechanical or rice powder, water turbines or sails, windpump (or sails to propel ships, etc.Wind energy is used as alternative fuels to replace fossil energy t have much quantity. There are general circulation and clean with environmental impact minimal. Wind energy is consistent in each year, there may be some missing, but it will not create problems in electricity if efficiency design, only 20% of all electricity needs. Tracking the weather closely and will be able to reduce the problem. In some areas of the country, Thailand Andaman Sea in particular, and the China Sea (Gulf of Thailand). With wind energy that could be used in a manner useful mechanical energy (turbine pumps, turbines produce electricity) wind energy potential that can be reused for country Thailand. The speed is between 3-5 meters per second wind energy and intensity that has estimated is between 20-50 watts per square meter.
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