REGARD TO EXISTING<br>URBAN GRAIN AND BUILT FORM<br>In line with Guidance G3, the predominant parameters arising out of the streetscape analysis<br>and street photographic survey are to be taken into account within the eventual design<br>outcome of the proposed development, which may or may not be dictated by the existing<br>context.<br>Where it is clear that such context has been developed otherwise than in accordance with<br>requirements set out within the provisions for urban form, new development located within<br>the block, street or neighbourhood should endeavour to conform to the pattern set by the<br>existing adjoining development and/or the requirements and conditions that have been<br>applied to such development, so as to maintain the character of the area.<br>The above will not be applicable if the existing adjoining development contradicts some<br>fundamental parameters that are negatively contributing to such context.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..