A student who loves all of us. We will say the truth, ye know it. .................................................................. People do have a way of following abide. The spirit of them. It will end the stalemate ..... That means a ton because it went bad. If we are going to continue to ... Energy must be used within the other. Want to waste time developing ourselves together again yae. The trajectory of the family might be lifted immediately. At the end of the end of the life expectancy in this present world; I know it breaks 4 considered together: 1. take the most juicy candidates: .......................... As an entrepreneur I support thaithan Database creation and influence reflect phian plasma. Because these people are to believe. Merit's resistance is below. I know it creates a basic haven upper When the dead in this nation's I know there have been static at spirit on Paradise's landscape. I know have their own splendid services. They believe that if anyone regularly make the activity that this. Anyone who is more charismatic experience. His spirit would be "hanging out," he said. More outstanding in the higher dimensions. If anyone made it that this activity is less than. The spirit of the people, they are "hanging out," he said. Up to the outstanding belong to the lower dimension. But whether it is high or outstanding fly low. It is just the dimension of the soul. ' Because what if this, then. It also results in the present world, there are actually several layers of heaven tree! While some human spirit when they die. Will be dropped on to the floating waste long noen? There is a sense of spiritual birth. Whether its wrong or take the long dimension. It lasted through the world to kho A little good luck to get the opportunity from the sky! To divide the sector down to practice Dharma to the human world once again. To create a new sense of their waste correctly. By way of action to be lifted, was. Also, make a valid model. As part of the free world, humans are also devoid of consciousness as well. But it appears that there are many back list. When I get a chance to come down from heaven, Maya. I use their special occasion it to waste. I have a stock is casting-beautiful. There is an estate is clever prat prueang. There is a fair exchange is said to have morals and listen. There is a progressive influence was a devotee most stock-based. Which the soul has these securities carry. Stick down. But they used it not was. What they often do well, etc. Competing to create the Basic objects in Maya They have come from the upper paradise. That ye invoke together briefly. *สร้างวัด = สร้างวัตถุ* นั่นล่ะนะ แล้วก็ชักพาสาวกมาเข้าวิมานของตน ยังผลให้แก่นแท้เบื้องบนต้องเสียใจ เพราะมันผิดวัตถุประสงค์ ขณะภาคส่วนเบื้องล่างก็เสียทีที่ได้มาเกิดเป็นมนุษย์ เพราะพากัน "หลุดไม่พ้น" ดุจเดิม 2.ผู้ฝักใฝ่เทวนิยม: .......................... อันเทวะเบื้องบนทั้งหลายนั้น แม้ท่านเทวะจะสูงส่งกว่ามนุษย์ก็จริงอยู่ แต่ท่านก็ล้วนผ่านการเป็นมนุษย์มาก่อนแล้ว ท่านเทวะเองก็ปรารถนาการ "หลุดพ้น" ด้วยวิถีทางที่ถูกต้องอยู่เช่นกัน การที่มนุษย์แสดงความคารวะ ต่อเทพเทวะผู้สูงส่งกว่าตนนั้นชอบแล้ว แต่ท่านจักต้องไม่ลืมเคารพตนเอง นับถือตนเอง And have faith in ourselves. Not accept anybody, except for removing the power in their. To present the people who ran out of it. As if they are not valuable enough to be human. Highlighting the spirits have. Upholding the faith in the sacred objects. The hope in the sacred rites The aim was to provide aid, but the idea. These behaviors will even look good. But it's not the trajectory of any pursuit 3. user conduct aimed at fair But it did not work with the consciousness of ourselves: ............................................ These people who have faith in our minds. The pace is acceptable by most exalted Buddha. Persons who agree that his religion is a part of life. Unfortunately for them, these It was a good practice is to instruct operators like. By way of guidance, to memorize And how guidance, follow those who know, that easy. People who know how to do anything. It follows that, according to some. Conduct by the Dharma even better But it did not come out of their conscience. I think I know myself is that. They know they do not perform and teach, do it. What is the real reason. So ..... If the manual is not. It is also devoid of spiritual consciousness is the original. People who have these disabilities properties. It also lacked appropriate to be lifted. ด้วยเหตุผลสำคัญคือ สั่นสะเทือนจิตสำนึกด้วยตนเองไม่เป็น หรือขาดคุณสมบัติหลัก แห่งการเป็นมนุษย์โดยแท้ 4.ผู้ขาดปณิธานแห่งการหลุดพ้น: ............................................... เราขอกล่าวตามความจริงว่า ถ้าท่านจะทำสิ่งใดให้สำเร็จแต่ไม่รู้ว่า เป้าหมายและวัตถุประสงค์ของตนนั้นคืออะไรแน่ ท่านจะสามารถประสบความสำเร็จ ในสิ่งที่จะกระทำนั้นได้หรือ... สภาวะแห่งการหลุดพ้น ทางจิตวิญญาณของท่านทั้งหลายก็เช่นกัน มันจะต้องกระทำกันในชีวิตประจำวัน มันจะต้องกระทำผ่านจิตสำนึกของตัวเอง มันจะต้องกระทำกันอย่างมีเป้าหมายชัดเจน มันจะต้องกระทำต่อคนใกล้ตัว It must be made to a colleague. It will do so friend joined the society. It is done to compatriot. It must be made friends all over the world. It will continue to do so in the world, this terrestrial. We would like to ask all of you that. If you perform this action with a 9. Without a goal for the pursuit. Then you will find "how to meditate," he said. That will lead you to your core spirit. To reach Dan napalai Where is the door of pursuit? Only a single pane, for example. So .... You need to learn how To meditate in order to pursuit. Must have a full coverage groups (ReqGroup) form. If you do not know .... even you will do good with the fair. Your core, it is also for "hanging out" is like the original. To agree to anything, Amen ..... Lb-NET-intellectual property rights 30-12-2014
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