Number 50 คำลือ Road (road after the governor's office, the reclining Buddha Temple North) near D สุนัน created in 1990.2450 by Brahma (antimony) phibun) and you สุนัน eyes family. The daughter you province (such บุรีรัตน์). A mechanic who built this house from the city, Guangdong, China, and the use of vernacular house carpenter wood for a double European applications.1 meters mansard roof with ventilation between both layers. To increase the flow of air into the southwest. It because the house facing มีลมพัด cool in the summer, the house ทรงปั้นหยา 2 layer. The ceiling is high, a high roof.The roof terrace outlet, water man, window and door at the front door is stucco goats which represent of pong phibun majesty and your mother who was born in a goat. Later, with repairs, but carved motifs is still original.Including furniture, silverware, pottery, important documents, such as documents, trading slaves home family resort received Conservation Award. Years 2536 of association of Siamese architects.And published in a book also various home family resort has extra activities. Is the tiger for Thai and foreign origin is the faculty which need to contact us!Open to visitors every day from the time 08.00-17.00.
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