.The word "Mom" is a short definition, but the meaning is profound than many will depict a mother is ผู้มีบุญ you plenty. I devolve, star, who send a bright light to bring the baby. I like the teacher who teach first to get better."Angel," a higher in my heart
.Today is the one that a pronoun calls herself the "mother" mom gave birth to little life, open your eyes and see the world. Nine months you protected with one day to get hurt. Does anyone know the woman I was over.The day I was born. The day I hurt but becomes the day I very happy. When I saw the eyes of an innocent child Today is mother BAE most in my life but is a gospel of life.Who knows what life with your life. When we were born to this world, she is the first woman waiting feeding, water feeding raised us to grow up. Her education as soon as possible. Mother gave us everything we need.Or "no" to you, sometimes my mom scolded. I did it from love, attachment and anxiety that a mother will make every mother want you to grow as a person. You are my hope of parents are Russian.The page is my darling, good social and good nation
.We are born once in a lifetime. We used to make mother happy? For some of the children he had no opportunity to return to grace for you to have a chance. Should replace the grace of my mother when still alive.I will repay your grace that I love and I love you forever.
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