1. Introduction cables. If the openings interrupt the load path joinin การแปล - 1. Introduction cables. If the openings interrupt the load path joinin อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

1. Introduction cables. If the open

1. Introduction
cables. If the openings interrupt the load path joining the
loading and reaction point, it is obvious that the simple load
path changes to a more complex one, and the shear capacity
will be reduced. In spite of signi cant effects of the openings on
the structural behavior of deep beams, there is no clear design
guidance for deep beams with openings. In addition, most of its
tests have focused on solid deep beams except for only very few
research papers on deep beams to have compressive strengths in
the range of 18–30 MPa including the effects of openings [2,7,
Reinforced concrete deep beams are members in which a
signi cant amount of the load is carried to the support by a
compression thrust joining the loading and reaction point. ACI
318-02 Section 11.8 [1] speci es that deep beams should be
loaded on loading points and supported on reaction points so
that compression struts can develop between the loads and
supports. For many years, the deep beam has been designed
based on empirical methods for slender beams. However, some
experimental results and analytical reports have indicated that
shear strength, redistribution of internal forces before failure,
and internal force mechanisms in deep beams are quite different
from those in slender beams. Thus, in recent years, the methods
for reasonable deep beam design, such as the strut-and-tie
model, have been created.
Based on the test results of high-strength concrete deep
beams, Tan et al. [11] and Yang et al. [13] concluded that
the effect of concrete strength on the nominal shear strength
appears more signi cant in deep beams than in slender beams
because most load is transferred by concrete struts. Thus,
the application of high-strength concrete to deep beams is
gradually increasing with the enhancement in concrete strength.
Nielsen [9] proposed that the effective load-carrying capacity of
a strut decreases with the increase in concrete strength. Also, in
the Canadian Code [3] it is assumed that the effective strength
of the strut is expressed as a function of the transverse tensile
Openings are inevitably installed in deep beams to facilitate
conduits, air conditioning, electricity, and computer network
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1. Introduction cables. If the openings interrupt the load path joining theloading and reaction point, it is obvious that the simple loadpath changes to a more complex one, and the shear capacitywill be reduced. In spite of signi cant effects of the openings onthe structural behavior of deep beams, there is no clear designguidance for deep beams with openings. In addition, most of itstests have focused on solid deep beams except for only very fewresearch papers on deep beams to have compressive strengths inthe range of 18–30 MPa including the effects of openings [2,7,Reinforced concrete deep beams are members in which asigni cant amount of the load is carried to the support by acompression thrust joining the loading and reaction point. ACI318-02 Section 11.8 [1] speci es that deep beams should beloaded on loading points and supported on reaction points sothat compression struts can develop between the loads andsupports. For many years, the deep beam has been designedbased on empirical methods for slender beams. However, someexperimental results and analytical reports have indicated thatshear strength, redistribution of internal forces before failure,and internal force mechanisms in deep beams are quite differentfrom those in slender beams. Thus, in recent years, the methodsfor reasonable deep beam design, such as the strut-and-tiemodel, have been created.8, 10].Based on the test results of high-strength concrete deepbeams, Tan et al. [11] and Yang et al. [13] concluded thatthe effect of concrete strength on the nominal shear strengthappears more signi cant in deep beams than in slender beamsbecause most load is transferred by concrete struts. Thus,the application of high-strength concrete to deep beams isgradually increasing with the enhancement in concrete strength.Nielsen [9] proposed that the effective load-carrying capacity ofa strut decreases with the increase in concrete strength. Also, inthe Canadian Code [3] it is assumed that the effective strengthof the strut is expressed as a function of the transverse tensileOpenings are inevitably installed in deep beams to facilitateconduits, air conditioning, electricity, and computer network
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
1. Introduction
cables. If the path joining the Load Openings interrupt the
loading and Reaction Point, it is Obvious that the Simple Load
path changes to a Complex one more, and the shear capacity
Will be reduced. In spite of the effects of signi Cant Openings on
the structural behavior of Deep beams, there is no Clear Design
Guidance for Deep beams with Openings. In addition, Most of its
tests have focused on Solid Deep beams except for only very few
papers on Deep Research beams to have compressive strengths in
the Range of 18-30 MPa including the effects of Openings [2,7,
Reinforced concrete beams are Deep. Members in which a
signi Cant amount of the Load is carried to the Support by a
compression thrust joining the loading and Reaction Point. ACI
318-02 Section 11.8 [1] speci ES Deep beams that should be
supported on Reaction Loaded on loading points and points so
that compression Struts Can develop between the loads and
SUPPORTS. For many years, the Deep Beam has been designed
based on empirical methods for slender beams. However, Some
Experimental results and analytical reports have indicated that
shear strength, Redistribution of internal Failure Forces before,
and internal Force Mechanisms in Deep beams are quite different
from those in slender beams. Thus, in recent years, the methods
for reasonable Deep Beam Design, such as the strut-and-tie
Model, have been Created.
Based on the results of Test High-strength concrete Deep
beams, Tan et al. [11] and Yang et al. [13] concluded that
the Effect of concrete strength on the nominal shear strength
appears more signi Cant in Deep beams than in slender beams
because Load is transferred by concrete Most Struts. Thus,
the Application of High-strength concrete beams to Deep is
gradually increasing with the enhancement in strength concrete.
Nielsen [9] Proposed Load-carrying capacity that the effective of
a strut decreases with the increase in concrete strength. Also, in
the Canadian Code [3] it is assumed that the effective strength
of the strut is expressed as a function of the transverse tensile
Inevitably Openings are installed in Deep beams to facilitate
conduits, Air conditioning, Electricity, and Computer Network.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
1. Introduction
cables. If the openings interrupt the load path joining the
loading and reaction point it is, obvious. That the simple load
path changes to a more complex one and the, shear capacity
will be reduced. In spite of signi cant. Effects of the openings on
the structural behavior of, deep beams there is no clear design
guidance for deep beams with. Openings. In addition most of, its
.Tests have focused on solid deep beams except for only very few
research papers on deep beams to have compressive strengths. In
the range of 18 - 30 MPa including the effects of openings [2 7
Reinforced,, concrete deep beams are members in which a
signi. Cant amount of the load is carried to the support by a
compression thrust joining the loading and reaction point. ACI
318-02. Section 11.8 [] speci 1 es that deep beams should be
loaded on loading points and supported on reaction points so
that compression. Struts can develop between the loads and
supports. For many years the deep, beam has been designed
based on empirical methods. For slender beams. However some
experimental, results and analytical reports have indicated that
shear, strengthRedistribution of internal forces before failure
and, internal force mechanisms in deep beams are quite different
from. Those in slender beams. Thus in years the, recent, methods
for reasonable deep, beam design such as the strut-and-tie
model,, Have been created.

, 8 10]. Based on the test results of high-strength concrete deep
beams Tan et, al. [] and 11 Yang et, al. [] concluded 13 that
.The effect of concrete strength on the nominal shear strength
appears more signi cant in deep beams than in slender beams
because. Most load is transferred by concrete struts. Thus
the, application of high-strength concrete to deep beams is
gradually. Increasing with the enhancement in concrete strength.
Nielsen [] proposed 9 that the effective load-carrying capacity of
.A strut decreases with the increase in concrete, strength. Also in
the Canadian Code [] it 3 is assumed that the effective. Strength
of the strut is expressed as a function of the transverse tensile
Openings are inevitably installed in deep beams. To facilitate
conduits air conditioning,,, electricity and computer network
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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