General knowledge about minerals in the soil.Nitrogen is a chemical element that is not only rocks and minerals. The source of nitrogen from the decomposition There are several microorganisms that degrade and release is coming out in the form of ammonia or Chennai Tre. Plants can utilize nitrogen is an important element of protein and organic compounds. That is essential for the growth and productivity of crops as an element of the skin feel. The plants get enough nitrogen is a rapidly growing supply of green and there is a complete productivity.Phosphorus is a chemical plant that requires less nitrogen. When the plants get enough phosphorus, roots will be strong resistance to insect and disease infestation. Makes it possible for plants, trees and has a good quality source phosphorus in soil. อินทรีย phosphate ore and objects when lack of phosphorus plants, there will be a green Gran MK-solid purple lower blade root growth does not fully.Potassium plants need nitrogen, potassium, or close to greater. If the plant is to produce a head, seed oil, and flour that potassium is important in the process of creating their food, sugar and starch crops, as well as the movement of these foods to the parts of the plants are grown, stored and sent to the provisions or the trunk. Their crops, sugarcane, coconut, it is for the latter, it is a plant that needs a high potassium.
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