1. Image to transfer. Use anything you like. I made up my canister labels in Photoshop. I wanted them to be a bit different and quite typographic so decided to style them based on dictionary definitions (my artwork is attached as a free printable if you would like to use them – see the ‘At a Glance’ section at the end of the post to view and download!).
2. Inkjet printer.
3. Decal paper (blue watermark on back). Decal paper comes in clear or white. I’m using the clear paper because I want a transparent background around my image.
4. Magic paper (attached translucent protective paper).
5. Laminator. Basic laminators can be bought for around $20 from most office supply and department stores.
6. Scissors.
7. Water.
8. Soft cloth.
9. Item to embellish. As already mentioned, I’m using my plain SLOM jars from IKEA.
10. Microwave, oven or hairdryer.