The payment is made, notice thereof, do not complete payment within 7 days. Sent written notice of such payment. Not paid within seven days. Have the book let such payment, do not pay 7 completed within days.
The payment is made, notice thereof, do not complete payment within 7 days.Sent written notice of such payment. Not paid within seven days.Have the book let such payment, do not pay 7 completed within days.
The Payment is Made, Notice thereof, do not Complete Payment Within 7 days. Sent written Notice of such Payment. Within Seven days not paid. Have the Book Let such Payment, do not pay Within 7 days completed.
The payment made is, thereof notice, not do complete payment within 7 days. Sent written notice of such payment. Not paid. Within seven days. Have the book let, such payment do not pay 7 completed within days. .