Miniature donut
flour, butter cake finished 1-1 / 2 cups
unsalted butter 1-2 / 3 cups
milk 1/2 cup
sugar 1 cup (though we lose half),
2 eggs
, salt pinch
vanilla powder. Cocoa 1 teaspoon (optional optional)
combination decoration
- Mixed fruit, almonds or other toppings to taste Method 1. Melt the butter to liquid milk and 2. During the Beat eggs and sugar together. 3. Mix together well enough Add the butter and melt it down. Beat well 4. Put the dough into a half hit the lowest speed and mix well 5. Then enter. Vanilla or cocoa powder Beat together until smooth, then it is 6. Then switch the donut maker oven is hot enough 7. Spoon the batter drops down to the type of donuts. Sprinkle with almonds or other toppings you like.
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