If talking about an atmosphere of comfort and is probably where it is not beside the sea full of white sand and sea full of aunt of green, blue water is washed into the soil plant atmosphere white with joy the evening wind.Are more than one pour and I the sea of green, blue people go out and watch the touch with seawater, then to see the beauty of the nature that everybody wants to touch it with nature is a beautiful thing, who are undeniably
.When we tired or stressed we when we suffer, we kind of disappointment or defeat, we will find the opportunity to visit the first place where to relax with fresh atmosphere.If I would have to go to the sea, because the sea is a sea bright and beautiful atmosphere of seawater make us relax and recover it even sorrow that makes us sad and cry จนกิน sleepless nights when we oh.Of the sea trip and we will be very happy just like we did with the one you love the green อมฟ trade is a joy atmosphere wind is cool comfortable as if talking to our sea Narathiwat sea is quite clean and.Touch greatly, and travel to the sea beach and RA television lemon if someone in touch with seawater หาดนรา vision and lemon with white sand to love and feel the beauty of the nature.Beach TV lemon mold and in Narathiwat Province makes people know each other
.The sea is a beautiful thing. If we don't help preserve this sea and who know water conservation. If in this world, there is no water, we will be? We need to have water use.
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