Currently, the transformation of society, economy, politics has come to dominate the state. The well-being of people more. Resulting in a change in lifestyle. The struggle to The survival of self and others. The work is important and necessary to achieve the objectives (Watchara is a diamond ring, 2537: 1-114), so it is meaningful to compare their lives. Daily food requirements As long as they need food, they need to work as well, which is regarded as a part of life rather than a life gone every day since. Monday to Friday (Cameron, 2531: 12), as can be seen in about 24 hours of work each day, mostly people living with and at work for about 7-8 hours, or if you qualify. Well then it's time to work half-life (Padma Mr. Surapong Sunrise Medical Burin bronze and gold mellifluous David Poe, 2554: 5) to work with. With colleagues In office environments as well as meet other individuals in the work environment (Siriporn Vishal Mhima Chai, 2554: 10-11) Some people work until they feel trapped workers. Do not exceed the specified hours it took to do the job at home. Using the time to devote to the task so high that sometimes forgotten that the work is just one of the only life. The rest is to act in other roles, whether it is the role of parents, children, friends, wife or husband the focus. Work over the other side. The life imbalance You can not separate personal time with. Time has run out We call these people the "workaholic" workaholic originally diseases are more common in men. Japan This is called Workaholic disease or other diseases. But then met in Thailand. (Yang Yong Tambon Administration Organization, 2551) symptoms. "Workaholic"
among Thailand's competition in modern society, we need to make people work harder. In order to have a sufficient income for their families. Especially among workers newly build or create some new family of frogs must work harder increased several fold. Because the demand for facilities such as homes, cars, etc. and from work, the harder it may be a threat to the physical and mental health without. Realizing that resulted in that person's symptoms. "Disease workaholic"
office disease syndrome or disease workaholic present the disease is more common in Thailand, which was originally to be found only in Japan as men. It is called Workaholic disease or other diseases. People who like to work hard If you hear the name of this disease may have panicked. But the fact that the disease office or workaholic syndrome is not a disease, a serious and scary as you think. It is just a mental one, but if not treated may cause the body followed . Dr. Vajira Monday Peng, Deputy Director of the Department of Mental Health, said the disease office workaholic syndrome or disease. Originally found in Japanese men only. But I found in Thailand, and a survey of the working age population or of working age, the number reached 67 percent of the population nationwide, which will contribute to the disease is likely to increase. And may become a threat to health. If life in the working age are not careful. The risk of this disease can be found in both men and women. Today, Thailand women working outside the home more. Thailand due to a highly competitive society. The men go to work outside the home alone may not be enough domestic expenditure. Crazy diseases are prevalent, especially among people with a personality like prissy perfect match ambitions. In serious psychological behaviors of people who like to work and I had the pleasure of working, which is reflected in the pattern of drug use. I have cherished the mind works , "The initial symptoms observed by this disease include headaches, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, blurred vision, eye muscle. This will adversely affect the body into the causes of diseases such as heart disease, stomach and other serious diseases. And if the state of mind of those who have symptoms of the disease will become a workaholic What was tensing up. Litter indiscriminately with colleagues Talking does not like to focus only on the issue of the working poor family relationships, warning signs of the disease workaholic can observe yourself and those close to work hard too. And watch each other like always observing communicate with each other. The official spoke expression That expression had seizures Tantrum together or are considered a warning sign of disease workaholic, "said , "when noticing a change in his work, which is like an alarm, then primarily be aware of that may have to be revised. new life Planning a new life Slowing demand would be the first and most important is to realize knowledge sharing within the family. To lead to the best solution, " the office disease syndrome or disease workaholic. Can prevent and treat themselves without treatment may lead to other serious diseases ....
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