Using your phone. Telephone answering and Making a Call - the phone calls and hello! Hello / I John speaking John is saying it's Maria here is Maria, could I speak to ..., please? I talked to ... me? / I? Bill Bill speaking! Say! Who's Calling? Who's calling? I could ask Who's Calling? I do not ask who's calling? Calling You are from where? Where are you calling from? What are Company Calling You from? Where are you calling from? How do You Spell that? How to spell? You do know what He's on Extension? Do you know what's on his phone? One Moment, a moment please me / I hold the line, please hold the line for a moment it / them I'll put him on the line for me is I'll put. I will keep her on the line I'm sorry, he's ... I'm sorry, he's ... not available at the Moment busy at the moment in a meeting in a meeting, I'm sorry, she's ... I'm sorry. it ... on another call Call is not in at the moment is not now, would you like to leave a message? Would you like to leave a message? You could ask Him to Call Me? You tell him to call me? You could ask Her to Call Me? Will you tell her to call me? Can I take your Number? May I have your phone number? What's your Number? What is your telephone number? I could take your NAME and Number, please? We know your name and telephone number me? / I? I'll Call back later, I'll call back later, is it convenient to talk at the moment? Easy to talk to me now? Can I Call You back? I call you back later?? Call back later please call back later, thanks for calling Thank you for calling how do I get an outside line? How do I get an outside line? You have got a telephone Directory? You have my phone? Can I use your Phone? May I use your phone please? If you get a phone that does not want to speak with, you need to find a word that is as follows: I'm sorry, I'm not interested I'm sorry / I, I do not care. sorry, I'm busy at the moment I'm sorry, I'm busy problems - a problem I can not get a dialling tone I did not get a signal at the line's engaged busy / tangle I can not get through at. the moment I can not right now, I'm only getting an answering machine, but I have received an answer from the answering machine only, sorry, you must have the wrong number, sorry, you call the wrong number, then I can not hear you very. well, I can not hear you, it's a bad line call phone no good could you please repeat that? You repeat it again? I've been disconnected Cut off my «Previous Next» Resume Writing. E-mail and voice for these words and phrases on this page - click on the words and phrases for the hearing. Voice Directory enquiries - Service inquiries, do you know the number for ...? You know ... my phone number? Directory Enquiries service inquiries international directory enquiries service international inquiries could you tell me the number for ...? Can you tell me a phone number of ...? The National Gallery exhibition that depicts the national do you know the address? You know who you are? I'm afraid that's ex-Number Directory I'm afraid that's old telephone number could you tell me the dialing code for ...? You tell them ... For me a favor? Mobile Phones - Mobile Phones my battery's about to run out of battery is running low, then I need to charge up my phone, I want to charge the phone I'm about to run out of credit. phone card I practically exhausted sorry, I ran out of credit sorry, I'm calling card I can not get a signal, I do not sign me, I've got a very weak signal with very weak signal I'll send you a. I send text messages to you, I'll text you later I will write to you later, could I borrow your phone, please? Lend me your phone at it? I'd like a Phonecard, please can I get a phone card Sample answerphone message - Example of answering the phone Thank you for calling. Thanks for calling There's no-one here to take your. call at the moment. now I get your phone Please leave a message after the tone, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave a message after the tone, and we will call you back as soon as possible. the possible
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