During this edition by power of attorney I / ..................... ... ............ ....................... ...... ... Company Limited
, which was incorporated. in accordance with law offices located at .................. ................ ................... ...... ................... ...... .. Road………........................……… District / Sub .... ... ..... ... ................... ...... City / town .......... ... ......... ............................ Province .... ... ...... ...................... By. ...... ............... ........................................... ........... .......... appointee hereinafter referred ..... ................... ... .. ............ ............... hereby appoint ......... .. ............................... hereinafter referred to as the attorney is authorized by law, the Company's actual authority to make representation on behalf of the Company. Businesses in the following text to delegate ..................................... .................................................. ...............
circumstances all necessary and reasonable discretion. To act on behalf of the company By the power of attorney is appropriate. Powerful and accurate, according to the company and to authorize. The attorney has the right and the full authority to act and / or operations. And all things No matter what any necessary and appropriate action to provide for the intended purpose. As well as the Company might or could do all of the Company ratified the attorney had done. By virtue of this power of attorney, the company would like to represent that. This is the power of attorney to fully complete. Since the date of the signing at the end of this book. However, until it is withdrawn. By notification from the Company Affidavits as evidence the company has managed to issue a power of attorney, signed at ............ ........................... ...... ...... ...... on the................................ Company
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