Definition of the term
is a teacher, teacher
complement and have mercy
, who is a teacher ...
. A teacher shall not, as a recipient. The hand of the teacher's hand on the bottom hand is not that glorious and honor alumni teacher
what's found, {?}
knowledge)Knowledge that will benefit students as recipients and as a teacher as well, asceticism and knock off Akita ฮ. The knowledge that the teacher has to convey the knowledge is beneficial to the client when the client benefit from the knowledge. Teachers as well.
2), the chance
Teachers must provide students the opportunity to study education, always in the study because there are no enrolment late. When the opportunity of an individual life. Allah hath assigned are not the same. A teacher should not block the chance of a rest. Not on any case
3.), the idea
In addition to the knowledge that the teacher must convey to the client without obscure. The teacher will have to give thought to the alumni, the alumni are accounted for as a solution and as well as the knowledge can be applied to extending or applying in various conditions. But as a teacher and instructor, as humans developed
lifeThe teacher who is giving life, in this case refers to the spirit and ideology, which can tie up tha life. Students Many students are successful due to the teacher and are ideology, the spirit to rest. And the burdens of life.
5) encouragement
A teacher must encourage students, especially when the boy was born in boredom. The despondency or despair Encouragement is important that teachers should not be overlooked. The consequence is Onion's medicinal to anoint you feeling refreshed. But when you're from the teachers went back to tie in a fight to succeed.
oblivionThe teacher must also forgive the alumni. Regardless of whether the client is guilty. Forgiveness is an important virtue of anyone who is a teacher. If a teacher is the father. Followers is a ball. When the balls do that mistake. Should forgive and give us the chance
Khru is filled ...
teachers fulfill what the rest
1). Fulfill knowledge
Refer to complement the knowledge that students never know before, or ever knew, an apostrophe (') or a teacher koen is complete this section to the rest. At the same time, students may complete this section to the teachers as well. "We know each other,"
experience A teacher who is not only full of knowledge, but teachers will have to experience to the students. Experience a live teacher to disciple, to be very useful and may have greater knowledge, nor. But should the rest lack and also disciple, in part due to lack of teachers is the same as
more intelligence. The teacher is known as stimulated intellectually to the alumni, the alumni are in place and known to use in the correct way. And the teacher was also named as a complement to the intelligence provided to the client. So the intelligence has been developed into a complete point and the most sukngom
Is a teacher with mercy ... mercy
as another important moral teacher is free. Teachers teach students with mercy is located in the Alumni's gratitude to everyone
kind disciple.)Teachers should have students kindness to everyone and should be treated as a virtual child boy grandson everyone mercy towards students, teachers are keen on teaching and teaching with pleasure. And there are good prospects in the future. A teacher who has mercy to speak with alumni who have melodious speech ladies and gentle, and are encouraging alumni to date
relative kindnessThe teacher should have mercy on relatives to help with the help and support that everyone has to study the advance in life and work, and to assist in the mediation dispute a rift between relatives. With kind relatives
3) mercy toward friends
By the nature of the teacher's profession The teachers are friendly, but both known and unknown. Therefore, teachers must have a kind friend to everyone. With the aid, advice and more on atphap Make a teacher's love and respect, as well as her disciple, General
enemies kindnessThe enemy has moral kindness is the advanced teachers find it there because the teacher is a venerable person. It means that a person who is Honorable, teachers are a good example of a disciple. If a teacher is a person who likes vampire ties and hot wuwam. To have mercy on the enemy is not angry, vengeful unbound and forgiveness, all of which are Islamic virtue that the Prophet peace be upon him, as did all
5) mercy toward everyone
when a teacher is a person who is responsible for training teachers to teach so have mercy on everyone by ruling class is not selected, the role of the teacher is a role of the scholars (who knows) to publish in the same role as the Prophet peace be upon him: (ซ.ล.) That is sent to a mail: mata world States
and the definition of non-teachers pay teachers ship it
contains many definitions that are used in place of the Magnifier (pat has arrived
nan. The light gem Charoen)
If the profession but not discussed how a person's profession all over the world would see a person's career is why
this world split into 4 categories: 1
. Professional career as a labour force that is required to Exchange. Does not require much knowledge like labourer and maid service? Children of this category are income occupation etc.
2. Semi professional workforce career skills required to adapt to working waitresses, cashier, sales person, according to the Department, this higher income from professional occupations first
3. Professional skills to work in occupations that require specific skills to work and therefore need to learn not only the profession does not, such as engineers, architects, technicians, all types of employee accounts.
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