----------------------A: we will visit the island this weekend trips together.A: who will go crazy, muddled.B, C,: we go to YY-----------------------------B: how to remove everyone rich, I'll remove the ball with a guitar.C: it because I removed the drum.A: I will sing the song itself, it must be a lot of fun anyway.-----------------------A: fast access to everyone to hurry to get up to speed.----------------Sea------B: to me CC: at all. CheeseD: see it, Simeon see the dangerous jungle in Loei.A: I think we're going to Dodge each other in a better boat.The ship was making waves in the motor. the ship.------------ในเรือ------------CAP: passengers now, failure causes the boat does not have a doubt we must go to this little island nearby, waiting for rescue before. I have sent a radio signal, then the assistance.A: we do not need floating ye!!! the Middle already.-------------เกาะ-------------CAP: all people camping on this one I am going to see them come on the ship.B: I want to return home and not see.A, C: no one came to rescue, we have already received.Fire Captain and lead a small tent, 2 sleeping bags come with Dodge, winter.4 hours to go through all start all hope rescue will pick up except the captain.Cap: no one came to rescue the children, and then.The captain of the boat, enough talk ends it was picked up by rescue units.Everyone came back with a Hello and give all the people do not want to sea again.
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