One day, Winnie the Pooh, out for a walk. Then confronted by a large oak tree, hey! A large crowd Honeycomb on the tree. Then it must be honey. It climbed to climb along with the humming. Unexpected events happen, but then it's OK, but it was still persevered. It asked Chris Christopher. Robin balloons to a one. It is thought to be disguised as clouds above the island balloons floating above it. In order to pacify bees really was Christopher Robin had an umbrella and then walked back and forth while muttering under oaks. Pooh floated the comfortable mood. But not easily broken, bees do not think it's stupid. It grew into a cloud of smoke a pack Christopher Robin, Pooh decided to help them by shooting them with a gun. Balloons are a thud Then it gradually Pooh Fell with arms cables Island balloons.
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