Mosque in Istanbul Athletic Manik (The Istiqlal Mosque) This mosque is considered as the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. It was built in 1975. The mosque has a prayer room, a domed top. And can accommodate up to 120,000 people who come, which is decorated conservative. Inside the prayer room, a giant dome has large pillars and 12 as the base weight. The entrance to the seven springs located in the basement. Prayer has a main room and a large patio. Located on the first floor in a part of the decor. There are some Muslims in Indonesia than Esiib the structure of the dome and the minaret. More modern and arabinose too much, however, the majority of foreign tourists thought it was a place look very magical. During post office's deficit (Idul Firti) and electrolyte balance for Atwood (Idul Adha) to have so many people come to pray in this place. It is considered the most sacred day of the year.
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