In the current state of disgrace to good tantayaporn are still ongoing and will also add even more so to learn the language of the other country shall have in relation to doing business because they nobody to communicate and know your subject well, speaking the same language with. There is a story that was widely played in Thai, Malay, Singapore trading, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Not just because they come in contact with domestic Thai and then communicate it clearly did not need to go through an agent who knows the language better than, for example, Singapore, Malaysian, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or even the PIN end, Philadelphia International Airport, we can see that those countries which give priority to learning a foreign language. Especially English which is the language that might be thought to be a universal language. Several countries announced as official languages, one language. In addition to their own language.Of course, countries that give priority to learning English, he surely knows that people will learn the language, the language can be grateful to society and culture. Can use the language correctly fit the social culture based on situations in all language skills, and particularly those who are able to use English to communicate better, there will be opportunities for employment, and supported the promotion of the work task to take more than those who do not have the language skills. It was announced at the ranborisat department store divisions, but attached to a flap at the end with a language that can communicate, that is, there must be dialogue and listening skills are at least.
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