Electromagnetic waves as a model to take the case, there was a source of high energy radiation to surrounding property are related to electromagnetic wave is the wavelength (l) may be measured in nanometer (nm), or micrometer (mm) and. (F), which is measured in hertz (Hz), the two properties have relationships through the up-speed of light. In Figure c fl =
The power of the waves. Considering the intensity of the flux or radiation (energy per unit time per unit area in unit = s-1 m-2 m-2 = Joule watt) which can measure the intensity of emitted (radiance), or affect the intensity. Range of gamma radiation (gamma ray: 0.1 l < nm) and x-ray (x-ray: 0.1 nm 300 nm l < <) is an interval with high energy radiation from nuclear reactions or radioactive substances from
. Ultraviolet range is a range that has a high energy Celtic could be harmful to living organisms.
. Range is the range of light wave spectrum human awareness is composed of purple light to chase down until the red light
. The infrared range is a range of low energy wave. The human eye can't see
. Range of radio waves (radio wave) is a wave caused by a tremor of crystals is due to receive electric or alternating electric pole arising from
. The length of the wave range and intensity of electromagnetic waves. Depending on the temperature of electromagnetic origin, such as the Sun. 6 temperature,0 K is radiating energy in the range of light waves. Various objects on the surface of the Earth with the temperature around 300 K will radiate energy in the infrared range, most of the heat. Electromagnetic waves travel through the atmosphere, the air molecules. And the extensive making waves krachoeng waves. The wave that hit was the object will reflect back and travel through the atmosphere to fall to the measuring device wave
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