In the past War, many residents had to be fought, "the elder" criteria. Gotta leave his pregnant wife is found at the House to participate in a battle between the wars a lot did find and rescue fellow soldiers, four poor criterion five, finally became close friends. When the war ended, so the four visited his home at Phra khanong. When it's suggested that friends of Phra khanong mak mak with "beautiful girls," Mrs. Naak, his wife and a "red". The first born son of mak. Mak's friends Decisions are the phrakhanong kilometers thick ears, while it has been rumored among locals that the otters are ghosts!! By originate from the drug store owner Granny Visual lift to infuse the four do not believe trying to prove by means of various Visual, except those released later, the grandmother of birth rumors overwhelmed tears yo Grill awesome. Make it to the center of the mak. Pakchai believe that the Ghost is the Otter.ทั้งสี่ไม่กล้าบอกมากตรง ๆ เนื่องจากกลัวจะต้องพบจุดจบแบบเดียวกับยายเปรียก แต่เมื่อนึกถึงบุญคุณที่มากเคยช่วยชีวิต พวกเขาจึงต้องตัดสินใจบอกความจริงให้makรู้ "เพราะคนกับผีอยู่ด้วยกันไม่ได้
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..