B & K method was most closely related to seed set per boll whileAlexander ', s stain gave the highest estimates of, viability. The FCRmethod indicated that many pollen grains from glyphosate-treatedGR cotton were irregularly shaped and only partially. Flouresceindiacetate (FD) stained. All methods tested showed similar high Corre-lation (0.7 - 0.8) of pollen viability to. Seed set. Morphometric analysisofdigital images of germinated pollen found the greatest pollen tubearea to pollen grain. Ratio with B & K medium _ 30 mM sucrose. Because the B & K method most closely predicted the linear magni-tude of seed set. Reduction to reduced pollen viability allowed theuse, of morphometry, software analysis and was one of the simplestand least. Equipment-demanding methods it may, provide broad utilityforthose assessing cotton pollen viability.
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