Maximum performance.-At this stage must maintain order and balance, because of disease. Insects that are important in light amounts to breaking into phetlat cache ngakoe leafhoppers and disease is. In the matter of chemicals you some ideas that span, phichai must also be used, but must be selected on the stage.The consumer is using a safe distance before harvest for at least two months due to the conversion of the entire species learn what Tahiti and key species mix. Weak keys disease cat breeder ngakoe a lot-The principle of the use of chemicals in the lime converter. In addition, fire cache, leafhoppers, ngakoe disease, disease, and other foes, such as the worm leaves. The worm bites to eat the insects, diseases, rubber extrusion khom. Access to a wide range of fungi, disease stub types.The use of chemicals and the length is necessary. If you are using chemicals. Leafhoppers and leaf worm with chemical You use the get rid of phichai was a BA Martin 3-10 rate alloy CC per 20 litres of water (fuel consumption, but the intensity of each of the companies that manufacture) if the pandemic will use the rate of skin privilege Izumi Hotel jade 3 – 5 to 20 liters of water continued c insects or stiff-winged beetle used khom khabo Sullivan fans. The rate of 20 – 30 c per litre or 20 water recycle rate of 5 – 10 Super mate Rin CC per 20 litres of water, fungi, disease prevention into pole used eliminate fungus man Cologne sep a rate 20-30 grams per 20 litres of water or the car SIM rate of 10-20 episodes, David CC per 20 liters of water is sprayed on the frequency. Every 7-15 days or insect outbreak conditions In addition to theIn this phase, two months before the harvest, you choose to use biological fermentation of the juice phichai. Chase and pest control using the fermentation fermented juice from.Herbs with spicy Lemongrass, ginger, galangal nasty stinky like Kaffir lime leaves these herbal Neem tinospora cordifolia, one.30 kg molasses 10 kg phot. 25 g per liter of water to ferment 30 to 20 days, bring spray at a rate of 25 per 20 cc of water.L every 7-15 days.-Because of the lemons can be stored for approximately 5 months of age in month 6 a plan to force out the. Namely, the flowering of October The vote must abstain from September, fertilizer, water from the wide experience yours phichai beats the rain delay of about 7-15 days, is not in the water, because the lemon well managed only 600 pichai.Not only will people use plastic covers because of the plastic, causing the water vapor in surface area, plastic Island, reducing humidity.On the ground difficult. If you will. On the day of the Sun must carve out the water evaporating plastic. If the rain must cover the plastic is difficult to manage without a sufficient labor.Water until leaves wilt reduced the vote-and 50-60% loss after normal water. Chemical fertilizer that is used to open the chest tat in this phase is the fertilizer with a high medium 12-24-12, or 15-30-15-volume 1 handful per band, so watering, fertilizer, soluble.-After installation, a flower, the usual morning cold water each time – 5-10 minutes.Official soil fertilizer you phichai-substitute chemical fertilizer Throughout the production is organic fertilizer which fermented from vegetable scrap of animal manure. Sherry is a shell to reduce waste production costs. Reduce soil degradation, soil, sustainable energiesMaximum performance.-At this stage must maintain order and balance, because of disease. Insects that are important in light amounts to breaking into phetlat cache ngakoe leafhoppers and disease is. In the matter of chemicals you some ideas that span, phichai must also be used, but must be selected on the stage.The consumer is using a safe distance before harvest for at least two months due to the conversion of the entire species learn what Tahiti and key species mix. Weak keys disease cat breeder ngakoe a lot-The principle of the use of chemicals in the lime converter. In addition, fire cache, leafhoppers, ngakoe disease, disease, and other foes, such as the worm leaves. The worm bites to eat the insects, diseases, rubber extrusion khom. Access to a wide range of fungi, disease stub types.สารเคมีและระยะที่ใช้จึงมีความจำเป็น หากอยู่ในระยะที่ใช้สารเคมีได้ เพลี้ยไฟ และหนอนชอนใบมีสารเคมีที่ คุณพิชัยเลือกใช้ในการป้องกันกำจัดคือ อะบาแม็กติน อัตรา 3 – 10 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร ( ทั้งนี้อัตราการใช้แล้วแต่ความเข้มข้นของแต่ละบริษัทที่ผลิต ) หากพบการระบาดมากจะใช้สาร อิมิดาคลอพริด อัตรา 3 – 5 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร แมลงค่อมหรือด้วงปีกแข็งใช้สารคาร์โบซัลแฟน อัตรา 20 – 30 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร หรือไซเปอร์เมทริน อัตรา 5 – 10 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร โรคราเข้าขั้วใช้สารป้องกันกำจัดเชื้อราแมนโคเซ็บ อัตรา 20 – 30 กรัม ต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร หรือคาร์เบ็นดาซิม อัตรา 10 – 20 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร ความถี่ในการฉีดพ่น ทุก 7 - 15 วัน หรือแล้วแต่สภาพการระบาดของโรคแมลง นอกเหนือจากIn this phase, two months before the harvest, you choose to use biological fermentation of the juice phichai. Chase and pest control using the fermentation fermented juice from.Herbs with spicy Lemongrass, ginger, galangal nasty stinky like Kaffir lime leaves these herbal Neem tinospora cordifolia, one.30 kg molasses 10 kg phot. 25 g per liter of water to ferment 30 to 20 days, bring spray at a rate of 25 per 20 cc of water.L every 7-15 days.-Because of the lemons can be stored for approximately 5 months of age in month 6 a plan to force out the. Namely, the flowering of October The vote must abstain from September, fertilizer, water from the wide experience yours phichai beats the rain delay of about 7-15 days, is not in the water, because the lemon well managed only 600 pichai.Not only will people use plastic covers because of the plastic, causing the water vapor in surface area, plastic Island, reducing humidity.On the ground difficult. If you will. On the day of the Sun must carve out the water evaporating plastic. If the rain must cover the plastic is difficult to manage without a sufficient labor.Water until leaves wilt reduced the vote-and 50-60% loss after normal water. Chemical fertilizer that is used to open the chest tat in this phase is the fertilizer with a high medium 12-24-12, or 15-30-15-volume 1 handful per band, so watering, fertilizer, soluble.-After installation, a flower, the usual morning cold water each time – 5-10 minutes.Official soil fertilizer you phichai-substitute chemical fertilizer Throughout the production is organic fertilizer which fermented from vegetable scrap of animal manure. Sherry is a shell to reduce waste production costs. Reduce soil degradation, soil, sustainable energiesMaximum performance.-At this stage must maintain order and balance, because of disease. The most important insects into ruin in a light amount up to phetlat is ngakoe in the cache and leafhoppers fire boat.
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