Since the first day I've known personally, do not think we can talk to each other and until today. It started from, we agree that it is a friend. We talk to each other almost every subject, remember the first day that we started to talk to each other, it takes a long time again 5 hours for the first time known that it wasn't supposed to happen, because we just know each other, and then after that it just comes along to everything you want to know more friends. Up to now everything it altered so much I did not know it happened now? I ru, but that it was very speedy. Yes, as you say, it is not necessary to wait for the time.From that day till now it has not been used for long periods of time at all! But why this is such a large commitment, it did not know of the rings is a concern every time time you always fear the saying goes "what matters." The more times you say it happens up there. It is worrying and I fear that what happens to you.Last night at insomnia because it is worried about you so much! Printing a message to send to, and then you send the text to fit. The same ignorance that tears it from nowhere worry is it gone immediately and ask if you can call it didn't want to call you every day but I just want to hear you only. All writing and just wanted to say that all that is happening now, it caused anxiety, and love it even more without knowing how it happened from the episode?
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