If talking about hamburgers and pizza in the franef hothot. Soft, many people want to know by reputation in behalf of "Junk Food" or junk food themselves. Junk Food is considered the first American in origin. However, this type of food is not a favorite of the doctor and the nutritionist was because in the junk food of these Americans. Flour, fat, sugar is the main component, and the rich capital Bari, lalo. Heart disease, diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and many others, counting was not panic. Although there will be many consequences, but these foods still top sellers in America!
.Note that these junk food is popular because of the convenience and fast, ideal for rush hours. Do we place an order, no more than five minutes, was so called it that fast food (Fast Food), especially in the United States. Fast food restaurants are located on every corner of the street price is compared to other Thai dishes, such as nationality, food is the food that we have become somewhat to grab food and luxury!
.These fast food restaurant in lifestyle of Americans, not a separate species at all. Since the children were with the lure of playing with junk food. Please call parent order junk food episode do not have time to make dinner. And teenagers came to eat junk food. What is cultivated since the appeal. but out
?Adult Obese Americans have about 3 kids 2 in 1 and 3! Though the instrument is complete and wide-ranging thuan. Americans must use money as high as $ 147 billion per year to treat obesity and more likely Americans are obese increases every year. Make the Government. Invite or even proposed laws prohibited selling soft drinks in big size (more than 16 ounces), according to the theatre and restaurant food cart wheels. In New York City who is a news hueha in America now,
.But nevertheless, This law has been to resist junk food by the seller, the owner called Coke Mac terminal domain, KFC, and even some people who believe these prohibited carbonated water would not cause obesity in Americans reduced! Also as limiting the rights and freedoms to choose to eat. Oh yes, I see a real busy right now. The best way out of this, one way is to convince American-looking way to campaign to change eating. And turn to exercise or play sports together
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