2.1.1 concept of global governanceThe origin of this concept. Starting from the study by scholars of the World Bank.The comment that "one key that will lead the country to success in the economic system, nafu ฟื้.Is that country. Are managed according to the principle of good governance "(sopchok, orapin 2547)And the World Bank (World Bank, 1992), the definition in a report on the matter to management.Governance and management of the development as the guidelines for the management of power resources.The country's economic and social In particular, to aim at the development of that definition.This has a major focus on three dimension with the political regime is the type of route.To use the authority to manage economic and social resources. To aim.The development and capacity of the Government to formulate policies and action by policy.Effectively (Corkery, 1999:9) from the beginning of this international organization,Assistance to member countries to use until each organization widely.Meanings vary according to the goals and tasks of the agency include:
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