the characteristics of the water to avoid water is the water that is not a light mineral and is linked to the occurrence of a heart attack and high blood pressure distilled water,It is such as calcium and magnesium minerals other came out so I could make use of your body, these minerals cause heart disease and stroke until it is dangerous to life bottled water has contaminants and even if you see a non-standard.But 25% of bottled water is just tap water, put the bottle and to improve the quality a little tap water is only removes chlorine that helps kill bacteria, but it will cause the kidney toxic name is empty, the halogens (Trihalomethanes - THM).disease, such as high blood pressure blood thinned colon cancer Brain deterioration, etc. carbonated soft drinks made from distilled water or soft water with no minerals, minerals and pull your body to lose the necessary minerals.and other minerals from the body, the loss Continues? These will result in various diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative to before age, etc. soft drinks/juice is processed only with sugar water mixed color.but it will cause detriment to the human body more than long-term Results.
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