Official name: Republic of the Philippines (Republic of the Philippines) Location: island country consisting of a number of Islands, all 7107 Islands in Pacific Ocean. Away from the Asian mainland, South-East for about 100 km, and the effect is one of the countries bordering the sea, contacts between each other in the world.The West and North, adjacent to the South China Sea.The East and South, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.Approximately 1,800 kilometers away from Bangkok.Area: 298170 square kilometres (about 3 in 5 of the country, Thailand) Capital city: Manila (Manila) Population: 88.7 million (2550 (2007)) Climate: tropical monsoon receive moisture from the monsoon rain is received from both the storm and the taifun dipretchan. The area where the most rain is the city of Baguio is a city where the most rain in Southeast Asia. Language: there are more than 170 languages, language used by most of the families, almost all language variants mala Jonathan w. Ney Xian-Polish, but in the language of the Constitution specified 2530 (1987) Filipino (Filipino) and English are the official languages. Other foreign languages that predominate in the Philippines are all 8 languages, including Chinese, Hakka Spain language Chinese Punjabi language language language Sindhi language Indonesia Korea and Arabic by the Philippines. The national language is Tagalog. Religious: 92 percent of all Philippine Christian religions by 83 percent profess Catholicism, and 9 percent is Muslim, 5 percent Buddhist Nikaya Protestantism and others 3 percent. Currency: Peso (Peso: PHP) the exchange rate is approximately 0.72 per 1 (buy) (A) 0.75 Peso baht/1 Peso (2552 (2009)) The democratic regime: the President is head of State and head of the Executive Committee (agenda item 6)The current President is Mrs. Gloria came to Casa Spa GAL Arroyo (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo), Jonathan has been certified as the winner of the election, when the June 24, 2004.
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