History of Mar is the bastard Spain Thailand-cookies. His father is the people of Spain are Daniel BA len SI El mega best mother is Sri lokwan former pool restaurant she and Miss University of camp you and I represent the countries Thailand to Japan, but did not contest the position back. Later Mrs.Thailand. 2005, [1] or Sri, said interview, while the oldest daughter, is just now being entered into the Sri Raja Umar band entertainment.Mar cookies start to circle entertainment with shows, movies, advertising, a lawyer and an actor Adewale ngopon in affiliation with the first drama channel 3 and rose cut diamonds intro is mainly a theatre in Central Lam PHI. There are cookies that make martinis are known, is a single wire and ground her mind.A study of kindergarten until College, elementary school.Secondary MODERN SCHOOL from INTERNATIONAL, BANGKOK (M.I.S.B).Bachelor's degree, business administration, tourism management, discipline and service. GPA of 3.00 from assumption University (at).
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