I got this book because of the training. Project dream school and won the highest group votes I was impressed that have read the book to know the story about forgiveness. 3 hours on a story that said I was impressed with the message that "it is not easy to forgive people angry is simple enough so that people will not mind training car angry easily. To achieve a sympathetic Those who would like to forgive would get angry in his fault or error. In other words, it is a reason to seek to achieve in its kind, I would like to say, I was angry with her, "he said. The King Supreme Patriarch soklomha prinayok Sangha Cause I know and appreciation about the operative phriti is know to forgive ourselves and others, because forgiveness is something good for ourselves, make ourselves comfortable and uncompromising affection. So people who don't know how to forgive others have mental distress, but gloomy, hazy, and love of others. Example subject that I have encountered in everyday life, that is, I have homework students. It was originally thought to be disciplined in your mind, think of the term forgiveness allows me not to but I have to say gently and tell students that follow the command. If you do not follow the next time will be making punishable. Forgiveness is made searchable. I've read this story to forgive makes a comment. How to get rid of the warning and the motto suffering out of themselves and to reflect real life we all must encounter in everyday life. In life, we'll be happy
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