The history of the typewriter typewriter was first patented in England in 2237 when the British engineer named Henry Mill by the name Writig Machine Subsequently, Mr. William Austin's North American invention. writing a book titled Typographer is a rectangular wooden total of 2376 Progin French inventor of writing. Ktypographic machine for the blind that includes a combination of keyboard when tapped on the keyboard will literally hit the lever to the center. The current model of typewriter 2416. Has produced a standard typewriter to the market in the United States. A typewriter, a successful brand is sold only 4-5 Royal IBM, Remington, Smith Corona, Underwood and the European Inventor issued typewriters made in Germany, with many brands such as Olympia. Adler optical Amman Italy Olivieri hit in Heerlen, Holland, with Gomes, the size of the print format printer. This type of printer is used to print size generally have three sizes: 1. large character called "The Raven" Marseille 2. Small character called "Elite" 3. IBM character is a small character printer laying keyboard. A symbol of a printer at the Tuen Crazy Typing Thailand has developed a keyboard, then put the printer has two modes : 1. Kesmanee is literally the key homecoming "for the simple press of the" 2. . Pattachote a letter key homecoming was "the direction of the defendant did" not have two kinds of printers, typewriters 1. Thailand is literally only two. Typewriter with a font and font Thailand English typewriter font as Thailand are the two types 1. Normal 2. electric typewriter font with both Thailand and the UK on the same machine has two forms : 1. A golf ball 2. A rotary gear
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