Past age I'm not going nowhere I live at home, but I went through a lot of work there is nothing like reading on the Internet or read a book. In an age when I read fiction, and articles that I like a lot. Most of the time is a kind of fantasy.Sometimes I go shopping or to visit the grandfather district in this long holidays, early age ช่วว of March I would not go to the provinces. Enough to reach April's Festival However, the Festival has been organised! I! Sanan fun with friends locations 2-3 days, but it was also more black with XI and it's got to celebrate that with you. To accumulate in the middle of April. My mother took me to visit Grandma with you eyes at Nakhon sawan province, far from home, I didn't have to go through it together for two days at the same time. Enough to the pup is very hot, but also very happy that I got to see Grandma with you eyes strong as well. In addition, it has also to ancient places are expensive rotik page. It's pretty much at all? Not long since I went back home, which is near the start time, the finish is very fun age vacation real ^^.
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