Notification of dismissal by reason of retirement
to Anant lotus cotton wool
as you Anant lotus Cotton (born on November 19, 2502 Number of ID 3 6101 00 204 78 2) conducted for the company, Thailand All prices LIMITED date. September 21, 2543 to the present age of 14 years, 2 months, 8 days work as foreman. Salary 20,042 baht until the final retirement regulations of the company on November 29, 2557 that he had requested retirement. The Company has granted approval and informed. Then advance it
now Due to retirement, the company would lay off because he retired. The effective termination date is November 29, 2557, the Company has paid the law allow you to:
1. Compensation for dismissal. (Retirement) 200,420.00 baht
currency (THB 20,042 baht salary for 10 months)
2. Special allowances (bonuses) (20,042 baht 2 months) THB 40,084.00
Total 240,504.00 baht
money deducted legal
one. O Insurance're sharp baht
2. Withholding tax (retirement) Baht
3. deduct the loan company. According to the loan agreement, the employee consents 10,025.48 baht
guarantee agreement No. 17/2556 REV.II period 15
Total current statutory deductions. THB net balance THB companies ask you to deliver documents and / or assets of the company is in the possession of the person back to the company on November 29, 2557 in this letter (Mr.Haruo Ota / Managing Director) Mr. Anant my lotus cotton. paid the retirement and dismissal of all legal baht a day. Already indicated above And I do not wish to claim any of the other (Anant lotus cotton).
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