Compensate the rice is divided into 2 type is registered file type rice in the fields, while still not harvest, and to make rice in the barn. Do after harvesting the rice is done. Compensation paddy rice in first need to gather together the 9 clump of rice.The red thread thread thread lift offering black and white set near field, with the 9 clump, mouth cup offering put candy hearts, white bread, cooked rice, shrimp, bananas, sugar cane, cucumber. Bean, sesame, and rings. Then said slogan when said end thread thread thread black white red ย่านลิ powerThat shall be completed. In bye arrow left 3 Ngai (3 days), except the valuables to raise home
.The compensation of rice in the barn. In the barn of the southerners have stack that is arranged in order, called the "counterfeit" used to make gifts of rice have needed to use as compensation rice in the fields.Other types are as follows firstly start with rice selection 3 conveyor conveyor (rice is collected as นรวง. Bound a bundle.) bring abundant head between the strong rice the offering on the rice 3 conveyor. Later, the price that the price of rice riceBlack white thread thread tied around the neck of rice 3 conveyor. That shall be completed the rice three conveyor is favorable, popular for it (
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