Holy of EUTHYPHRO is like. By claiming to bring that knowledge to use in a vindication in court. EUTHYPHRO replied, "what is God like Holy. What is God like Unholy. Later SOCRATES was born many questions need to know the answer to the answer of EUTHYPHRO.The plaintiffs who choose whether to agree with someone SOCRATES EUTHYPHRO between and. By the way, our group agree on. SOCRATES due to the following reasons
.The reason and the idea of EUTHYPHRO conflict in themselves. Seen from the SOCRATES that when asked EUTHYPHRO why sue their foster father EUTHYPHRO. The EUTHYPHRO sue their father is considered Holy act.The SOCRATES doubt that what is Holy and what is Unholy EUTHYPHRO right answer. "Holy is action, as he's the right now!Is sue their father who killed employees without thinking. Or behave like this. No matter who are parents or anyone. If you don't sue is equal to behave Unholy... Justice at have no who misbehave
.Whether he's someone else..."From this answer show that Yu Euthyphro ideas into their already know what is what is Holy Unholy and confident and believe that his mind was absolutely correctIs a question that SOC.: "What sort of thing do you say the pious are with respect, to murder and other things as well? Or is, not holy just. By itself the same, in every action? And the unholy in turn, the opposite, of all the holy--is it not, like itself and. Does not everything which is to be unholy have a certain single character with respect to unholiness? "And EUTHYPHRO answered, "No, doubt Socrates."And then continue to insist on the idea of their explain SOCRATES listen to reason. But the reason EUTHYPHRO said it has been cleared with a question of SOCRATES brought to explain the thought of SOCRATES again EUTHYPHRO say "The holy is what I am, doing nowProsecuting murder and temple theft and everything of the sort whater father, or mother or anyoneelse is quilty of, it. And not prosecuting is unholy. "And EUTHYPHRO said." What is dear to the Godsis holy and is, not dear to them is unholy. " Mean EUTHYPHRO believe Human who have a mistake is quilty and holy is something that Gods love.But yeah, that can SOCRATES Even the gods together also have different attitude to war battle fought until it has happened in long time. Was recorded by EUTHYPHRO himself believed, therefore the disprove that when the attitude of the gods are not identical, and Holy.Unholy of God's stable same in every action? In this point has shown that the idea of EUTHYPHRO it against my เย้งกัน. Believe that God is real and the indicate what is Holy and Unholy.But believe that God ever against my friendly and Yeng battle. Which means that the attitude of the gods each organization is different. As the words of SOCRATES this part.
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