1. hardware (Hardware) hardware components of a computer that can include electrical circuit. The monitor, printer, etc., which can break boards khi basic hardware is a major unit 4.1.1 the unit receiving data or input (Input Unit) serves the information and programs into the machine with the key figure structure, 1.3, including keyboard, mouse, Boris ruet, or scanner. Digitizer card swipe machine, etc.1.2 central processing system or CPU (Central Processing Unit CPU:) Act to work according to the instructions that appear in the program. At present the CPU of the PC microprocessor known as the (Micro Processor) or Intel Pentium Chip, for example, the company is, or is part of the Celelon company, AMD K7 (Athlon) K6, etc. Microprocessor. Is responsible for processing the data in the manner of the calculation and compare it to work by a certain time rhythm. Called the Clock signal when they beat once, it will happen once we get activity unit used to measure the speed of the CPU "hoet" (Herzt) It means how many times working on CPU Pentium4 1 sec, for example, there is a 2.5 GHz speed means faster work 2,500 million times. In one second. If the Clock speed, the signal to the computer. There is high speed and the CPU that runs very fast, very affordable prices will rise accordingly.1.3 storage (Storage) which can be split into 2 characteristic function is: 1.3.1 the primary or main storage (Primary Storage or Main Memory) store programs or data that are derived from information to send to central processing units to process and receive the results from processing to export unit provides information which may be split into two types of RAM (Random Access Memory) that can read and write data in the open air, but when it is turned off the data in RAM is lost, and the ROM (Read Only Memory) are read-only, such as the BIOS (Basic Input Output system) ignition apparatus used to bury the computer started, etc. 1.3.2 the backup storage (Secondary Storage) is the unit that serves to store data or programs are entered into the main memory, before processing by the CPU as well as the results from processing. Currently known as the hard disk (Hard disk), or disk (Floppy Disk) year frop, which when turned off, the data is still stored.The unit 1.4 display or output (Output Unit) serves to show the result of the process, including monitor and printer are all 4 sections are connected by bus (Bus) 2 software (Software)Software is the set of commands, programs, or hardware, it works well to control the operation of devices, hard disk drives, such as the environment, the CD-ROM interface card. software is what you don't see, but to recognize the work of it unlike hardware (Hardware) can be tangible, which is divided into two categories, namely.2.1 system (System Software) is a software program that is used to control the behavior of a computer system, boot. To copy a disk management information system A set of instructions written into the finished command. By the manufacturer of the computer, and come from the factory. Working or processing of these depend on each computer These software systems designed to control the practice and is capable of flexible. Computer processing is divided into 4 categories, is.2.1.1 operating system (Operating System) is the program that is used to control and interact with the devices, especially computers, disk management. System memory management, it is to do a task, using the computer as a tool to work, it must be in contact with system software before. If the lack of this type of software to make your computer. Unable to work. An example of this type of software, including operating systems, Unix Linux programs, DOS and Windows (95, 98, me Edition 2000 NT XP Vista) etc. 2.1.2 language translator (Translator), from the Source Code, as Object Code (translated from a language that humans understand, as a interpreter to understand compared translations) is software that is used to translate high level which is closest to human language, as the language before to be processed. The translation is divided into two categories, namely compiler (Compiler), and p (Interpeter) compiler will actually interpret instructions for all programs, and then make the link (Link) to get the computer to understand commands. Best hi-p actually will translate each sentence by sentence, Word order, it will use the language translation which depends on the language used to write programs that are 2: the structure of language such as basic (Basic) language (Pascal), Paschal II (C), c language, Java (Java), COBOL (Cobol), SQL language, language, HTML, etc. Object-oriented languages (Visual Object Oriented Programming or), such as Visual Basic, Visual C or Delphi, etc.2.1.3 u Te hotel (Utility Program) is a program of supplementary software enables the machine to work more efficiently, such as help in checking the disc helps in storing information in a copy of the repair disk provides a breakdown of symptoms to help to help find and eliminate viruses, etc etc programs in this group include the Scandisk program, Norton virus Scan Screen Saver Sidekick Winzip etc. etc.2.1.4 Installing and updating software system (Diagonostic Program) that is used to install the system so that your computer can contact and use various devices to be installed and the Setup program are as follows: System Driver Setup program, Microsoft Office programs, such as the Sound Driver Driver Scanner Driver Printer, etc, etc.2.2 application software (Application Software).Is software or a program that causes the computer to perform tasks according to whether the accounting document storage, etc. Application software can be classified into two categories. 2.2.1 software for specific tasks (Special Purpose Software) is a program written to do the particular job we want. Some called the User Program, such as payroll accounting. Hire-purchase system The program made its fixed items.
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