2 2.1 P9Omar Mosque, wheat land recycling to wrestle
city of บันดาร์ Free Day, and the kettle is the city's single Brunei town called บันดาร์ free really is the city of the day, the beautiful spacious and clean streets in the city, and the buildings are houses there's a mosque is a large modern city.wheat land recycling, to throw in the mosque there is a place to dig a large tapestry view featured in elegant Mosque is paved with marble from Italy, and carpet weaving special order sheetIn addition, wheat, Mosque Omar บันดาร์ horseradish to wrestle free of the ground, and in the day is also the home of many interesting museums, such as the Museum of Brunei Brunei Malay Technology MuseumThere is also a royal palace is a great honor and very beautiful royal palace in Isabella, and his eyes, นูรัล e-, which will be open to visit after months waiting for มฎอน or control everything after the ceremony address
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