3. the topic of her. In this world, some people are born lucky. What is the rich parents would be ก้ได้, but the reverse is unfortunate for those who choose not to have occurred. Born with a disability or poor. The time I went for a walk with friends, I often come across people with disabilities are asked to go the desired template, begging for rice brought money to raise their children, or even a whole one to Grandma, please request to maintain the disease. These people, even though they have so far, but if they fight resistance fighting for life. To solve the problem than such rich again makes me want to help them. If in the future, I do not want to work and can bring money to do ก้ได้. I will create a foundation for the disabled, disadvantaged and poor people, the food, the clothes, the address. Activities, they do exist, they are not always bored. And I would sing to them, and one that I will help them, it is. Create a project for children with disabilities and the poor people by various companies, according to obtain money from the rich, and the donation of books to set a box of clothing and food, and then collect the money, and of those, people broke and people disadvantaged in various areas. This will help make his donation has merit, and it is a happy man. There is a chance of life, are very happy. I believe I can help the world's poor people, everyone does. But if I continue the Foundation projects and so on. I was able to rescue several people and one day. There are people in the world will buy less noticeable ...
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