English (American English) is the national language, by factual sense even though languages at the federal level, some laws — such as u.s. standard neutral definitions in English in the year 2010, about 230 million people, or 80% of the population aged five years and older. Must speak English only language spoken at home, approximately 12% of Spain, the population at home, is the most common language as a second language, and is the most widely taught [94] [95] Americans who support making English the country's official language, for example, it should be at least 28 States. [9]Both Hawaiian and English are official languages in Hawaii by State law. [96] While there is no official language, New Mexico has laws providing for both English and the language used in Spain while France are in English and luisiana. [97] Other States, such as California, to power the document publishing a document, the Government of Spain for some versions, including the form of the Court [98] Many jurisdictions that have non-English speakers, many government documents especially manufactured to vote will be in spoken language that is used in most jurisdictions.Many of the isolated territory, the official acceptance to their native languages, along with English: Samoan and morning tea rose is accepted by American Samoa and Guam, respectively, Carolinian & tea morning rose accepted from the Northern Mariana Islands; Puerto Rico's official language, and Spain is also more widely spoken languages in addition to English.
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