4.) can be carefully select what used to be the benefits of special education. In the movie "My Left Foot men who would not surrender" for the physically handicapped or impaired health or movement see hearing impaired. There are also restrictions on movements in various parts of the body also need to get help in different ways, they both can live freely and the environment or? The atmosphere must be clean, attractive amenities. 4.1.), children with special needs (S).Movies reflect the opinion that in the present people with disabilities or movement, or health. Can live and exist in a society without a burden of the society to be a disability not be less than the normal ones, but unremarkable. They may have something that normal people rarely are widely common today, it is patience, tolerance. Accept and live according to marital status and coexist with people in society with happiness (can learn more from the second minute at 20.00 – 23.22 minutes 3.22 mins)4.2 (A))Movies reflect the opinion that in the present people with disabilities or movement, or health. Several activities can be shared with people in society will receive attentive assistance in activities closely (can learn more from the second minute – 1.26 minutes minutes 24.40 23.14).(F) 4.3).Family members can help by consultation with love. Care and promotion activities so that the reflective film seen. That individuals with disabilities, or movement, or health has developed a self efficient (can learn more from 2 minutes – minutes 34.10 32.31 2.21 mins)4.4), environmental (E)The environment in schools for the disabled, so that must be a breeding place for the disabled, the development of which is a reflective film seen. That individuals with disabilities, or movement, or health (you can learn more from the second minute 26.00 – 3.40 minutes minutes 29.04)4.5) tools help disabled people, (T).Movies reflect the opinion that in the present people with disabilities or movement, or you will see people with health impairments might be able to help yourself, so there are no ingredients help (you can learn more from the second minute 50.00 – 1.40 minutes minutes 51.40).4.6) life (I).Encouraging people with disabilities whose disabilities have developed themselves from using their skills in various living situations in order not to be a burden to society (you can learn more from the second minute 42.54 minutes 44.00 – 1.06 min.)(C) social 4.7).Society will have to accept and assist those individuals who have disabilities or movement, or the health, education, and life are in the society by not abusing people in society by exploiting people in society want to assist, so he is in a happy society (you can learn more from the second minute 33.20 – 1.40 minutes minutes 34.50). (Including the S = 3.22 min, A = F = 1.26 minutes, minutes, 3.40 min E = 2.21, T = 1.40 min, I = 1.06 min, C = 1.40 min.)(You can learn more from the second minute 33.20 – 1.40 minutes 34.50 minutes) (with S = 3.22 min, A = F = 1.26 minutes, minutes, 3.40 min E = 2.21, T = 1.40 min, I = 1.06 min, C = 1.40 min.)
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