A mysterious town situated in a valley near the community of witches and humans. They live together happily and have mercy on each other. The story is that there are 2 girls who they named Casey and Anna is a very dear friend. They are often very amusing children's play as they normally do, even though Casey is a witch, but Anna is not interested at all that Casey is not a human being because of friendship. Casey often takes Anna to make it fun. Which, of course, there must be a story about the magic Casey learns from these witches together. Then took up riding a broom across the sky and Anna are very happy to be sitting with a broom Casey. She always thought that Casey's best friends They look down from the sky on the ground saw a wide pasture River and a beautiful stream. They can't wait to head back to the stream. Then in the water absolutely natural and fun when the Sun is near the ground. They had different homes day and then a day over 18 years of age, she told them all until Casey and Anna. When a girl growing into a beauty makeover and a relationship still existed, but they may not know that from now onwards, everything will be the same again. Casey with Anna journey into the Woods, where many beautiful wooden chest, knife and she accidentally finds one man. He is charged with the lion attacked Casey and Anna took to rescue him, and the man is a beautiful name Adam in Pronto that Casey and Anna had seen Adam, as opposed to falling in love Adam, but Adam back over Casey's son, Anna and this is a major turning point between Casey and the.Hospitality Casey and Adam love while Anna continues to regret and think they are good customers coming from Adam Casey told Anna that Casey is a witch, Adam knows because humans can't be in love with a witch has Adam leaving Casey to in love with Anna. So very sorry to hear that Casey had, Anna and Adam stone, then Casey, drinking poison because he could not endure sorrow again.
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