Lord God, seizures or drag tradition.History God is God, or drag induced tradition traditionally Brahmin and Buddhist practice sanik Sciences succession since ancient times. This new tradition that occurs for the first time. In a country as India took a popular cult Brahmin dheva to parade in pictures such as the chance to parade the image format, Angels & Angels & Shiva Vishnu etc. Later, Buddhist beliefs took such adaptations already updated to comply with the Buddhist faith. When Buddhism disseminated to countries in the South of Thailand. God thus persuaded the traditions. Stroke God tradition. There is a Buddhist legend as told that after eradication therefore do miracles at Wild mango yamok dianthi. Metropolitan already has done to sravasti alms at trāyastriṃśa to please the mother Buddha is reborn, Thep sathit at Dusit Maha Maya deities throughout the Buddhist world. Therefore declare unto the grace of Lord wotmakhom and shows a mother pouring a Buddhist scripture until the 7th highest spiritual law or doctrine, please God, mother, mahamaya deity and the God wotmakhom in all sodaban to accomplish 15 days in month 11, which considered as the last day of lent. Therefore, the divine way ladder that manutyalok returns Indra consecrated vision. This stair from the mountain paradise South area precincts nay, Simeon. Floor door to Nakhon, Dusit sankassa contains the gold ladder. Silver and glass staircase ladder. The gold ladder "for God to proclaim the right of the submit therefore. He came to the stairs, Phrom delivered for the money behind the left of the stairs, glass, and therefore for the Middle therefore. Therefore, when coming to sankassa Metropolitan door early morning of day 1, which is 11 month Buddhist lent it. The Buddhist's return schedule therefore from the Milan meet khakhan modules – came with prepared sample lunch menu to navigate with. But because he came to meet me at the Buddhist there is so many not be able to access to the lunch to everyone around therefore. It's important to remove the lunch wrap leaves coming together to send a section of people in very distant future it will be sent instantly, so no lunch with foliage wrapping method used to throw Papa?, which he offered as he is considered by the chaos that intention with motivated purity satha description.Therefore, the principle of Fellowship of the restaurant Division of the sunset bombers in total therefore. Thus was born the tradition "wrapped" up "and" boiled wrapped rounded to reflect the joy that therefore returns from trāyastriṃśa. Buddhist have therefore brought up butbok and then stamped on the prepared to parade the stamps of the era of the em, therefore that, and when there is a Buddha image up. So Buddhist Buddha teachings to parade instead of assuming the lifting action in 11 months, RAM's successor as tradition every year God stroke current. Rabbinic Parables, he came to join the virtual one and join the lunch offerings of God therefore manually whether all remote with time and place? Induced drag is God God or tradition, the tradition of the South action after pavarana or 1-day Buddhist lent day is 1 month 11 people will help each other, which cushioned the preparation is a complex method to catch to get good audio, and there catch a race to catch the sound, with the contest. The monks are helping decorate the butbok. The villagers will decorate the rehearsal and have a rowing boat to race to the boiled sweets. For drag God The villagers are helping to drag out from the temple. If it's a drag, it will use the water Lord rowboats, which haulage in drag, rather than dragging the drag gods, God Bok Bok, popular in ancient times, people have to use the scroll wheel to drag, which it will drag through the village. From one temple to another one measuring current Used cars in drag, land Lord, instead. There are Buddha, and Tom to hang when the boat closer to the Lord and then the ship will use the method of "boiled with Saddam" to let the people keep the manure, which is boiled up cause the raging sports, there are also other activities such as boating Racing racing. The To play music, interactive contests, boat boats in various categories. Tradition is tradition, Buddha believed to drag a drag effect caused the happiness God would allow the merit of seasonal rains and the merit a result merit will help make successful. In addition, God is also the drag tradition, showing the relationship between the way of life of people with agriculture occupation represents a boon to do with charities, including a delightfully fun activities together in practice.Rituals.9 months, measured when the intended to stay true to that tradition will drag in the month of God 11 began preparations to use unshielded Phon "dominated the Phon" (strike up a fanfare in advance), and strike up a fanfare for the ceremony as well as the villagers take to compete with the other temple or Championships. To encase the entire complex in molasses and Phon, dig and stretched taut full leather. By some measure the months spent with black magic ceremonies consist of. Each measure would require 2 1 Phon, bass, treble 1 leaf leaves measure anywhere in the race to win well to catch the villagers rejoice therein page long years.เมื่อใกล้วันลากพระ ประมาณ ๗ หรือ ๓ วัน ทุกวัดที่จะทำการลากพระก็จะเริ่มคุมโพน (ตีประโคม) เพื่อปลุกใจชาวบ้านให้กระตือรือร้นร่วมพิธีลากพระและอาจนำไปท้าทายแข่งขันกับวัดใกล้เคียง พร้อมกันนั้นภิกษุสามเณรและอุบาสกที่มีฝีมือทางช่างก็ช่วยกันตกแต่งเรือพระและพนมพระ (บุษบก) ซึ่งต้องทำกันสุดฝีมือ ทางช่างก็ช่วยกันตกแต่งเรือพระและพนมพระ (บุษบก) ซึ่งต้องทำกันสุดฝีมือ สำหรับอาราธนาพระพุทธรูปประดิษฐาน ถ้าลากทางน้ำเรียกว่า "เรือพระน้ำ" ซึ่งจะใช้เรือจริง ๆ มาประดิษฐ์ตกแต่งถ้าลากพระทางบกเรียกว่า "เรือพระบก" และจะใช้รถหรือล้อเลื่อนประดิษฐ์ตกแต่งให้เป็นรูปเรือ เรือพระน้ำจะใช้เรือสำปั้นหรือเรือสำหรับลากจูง ขนาดบรรทุกความจุประมาณ ๓-๕ เกวียน สมัยก่อนนิยมใช้เรือ ๒-๓ ลำ ผูกขนานกัน ปัจจุบันใช้เพียงลำเดียวเพราะหาเรือยากIf it is a land of ancient shall make a boat, similar to most real boat but must try to use less water, are usually woven bamboo mats or decoration is krachut where the boat and the stern of the ship, head to the webcam. Decorate the land, often make the boat and the stern of the ship as a Naga the serpent might run 5 or 7, the.
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